Madlib follows ‘Brain Wreck Show’ with the seventh installment of the Medicine Show series, a jazz album with Yesterdays New Quintet. While Madlib’s...
Rock Konducta grabs its source material from various worldwide rock scenes from the 60s through the 80s, from American psychedelia to Germany’s krautrock...
The elusive ninth installment from Madlib's Medicine Show series! No. 9 is a punch-you-in-the-face return to hip hop form. A collaborative album with...
The Madlib Medicine Show series is a combination of Madlib's new hip-hop productions, remixes, beat tapes, and jazz, as well as mixtapes of funk, soul,...
This is the third of a one-a-month, twelve-CD series from Madlib on his own imprint, Madlib Invazion! Odd numbers in the series are original productions...
Your eyes are not deceiving you, Madlib is back alongside fellow Stones Thrower hard nut Guilty Simpson for a new 17-track raw hip-hop album!
The album...
BACK IN STOCK..LAST COPIES...Stunning first release from Horus Records with this 300 7" only double A Side of new analogue dub from Stockport & London...
One per customer! We managed to get our mitts on a few of this beauty - likely to fly. Some serious raw house heat from L.I.E.S mainstay's Chicagoans Beau...
Trippy experimental club tracks from Steven Warwick aka Heatsick exclusive to our Sounds Of The Universe imprint. Limited to 300 copies - available only...
Sought-after cosmic jazz funk album from 1977!
Plastic disco in the style of Jean Pierre Massiera! Check the title track "Le Payback", a French sleazy...
The idea behind "Masse" is that three different producers meet with three different choreographers from the Berlin State Ballet Berghain. This resulted...
Fortuna Records reissues a double banger by Aris San, the absolute don of the 'Greek Jaffa sound'.
'Boom Pam' was released in 1967 becoming an instant...
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Cape Town's John Wizards, based around the core duo of John Withers and Emmanuel Nzaramba, release their self-titled debut album through UK electronic...
Repress of this monster acid / electro / house EP from Funkineven!
"Beat Crush", a speaker-busting analogue rhythm track, gurgling acid instensity from"Fuck...
Cosmic diggers Keyboard Masher return with a fifth instalment from their KM Editions series! Psychemagik and Claremont56 fans will love this! A dramatic...