Opening night! Latin, disco, soul and funk - a great combination! Our Nu Yorica night had been up and running for a couple of years in Notting Hill on Monday nights and we decided to move to Gossips in Soho, London to make it a weekend club. Gossips was a fantastic 70s throwback club - complete with mirror balls and walls and red velvet-esque furniture - very faded glamour which suited us just fine. It soon became apparent that there were a few idiosyncrasies to the space - depsite its long history the club always had problems with neighbours so the music could never be pumped up loud enough. This got really weird when the DJ booth had to be moved to a different room to the people dancing! (try it!). Lots of good nights despite this!
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Here's someone yibbedy-yabbadying about visiting the club on instagram - see what you missed!
"#london ... circa 2000 #gossipsnightclub #soho #soholondon #soholondon... I’m almost positive this is a small hotel now. #londontube from #kingscrossstation over to #coventgardenstation and a little May humidity walk to #nuyorica #souljazzrecords #souljazzsoundsystem champion selectors had that ish on lock and it was all new sound to me. I went because of the flyer. Either way I got drenched into the real world of #soul #funk #latin #jazz #brazilian vibes all meshed to one and the vibes were crisp and welcoming. @souljazzrecords shop, slick label .. releases (which I started getting an ear for years later and would buy on spot), and nights to educate your ear drums = a rounded out influence in all aspects"