Light in the Attic Records is proud to present the next installment of the Nancy Sinatra Archival Series with the first ever reissue of the classic 1972...
Light in the Attic Records, in cooperation with Laurie Anderson, proudly announces the inaugural title in their ongoing Lou Reed Archive Series 'Words...
Light in the Attic Records proudly presents Earl’s Closet, a double album of the treasures discovered inside, including unheard music by Daryl Hall and...
Light In The Attic are exited to announce 'Earl's Closet: The Lost Archive of Earl McGrath, 1970 - 1980', a Private Collection of a Legendary Figure of...
Just like her previous fantastic albums 'They Say I'm Different' and 'Betty Davis'. 'Nasty Gal' is raw unadulteredhard funky soul from the husky-voiced...
When the band Trees Speak, coming out of nowhere, released an exclusive one-off 100-pressing white label 45, described as CAN/NEU! meets LIQUID LIQUID,...
"Hieroglyphic Being translates five years of experimentation into his best LP to date" Vinyl Factory
"Album of the week" BLEEP
"Chicago dance music hero...
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