Originally released on Sun Ra’s Saturn label, this mysterious harmony group 45 captures a unique moment in music history. Alongside his renowned jazz...
Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids are back with their first major new studio album in over 3 years, an epic, sprawling new work exploring the future, the...
Formed in Mamelodi township near Pretoria, the group started out as Malombo Jazz Men with Julian Bahula on malombo drums, Abbey Cindi on flute and Philip...
Strut revives a lost recording from the archives in January with a 2002 collaboration between acclaimed South African folk singer Vusi Mahlasela, singer...
Strut present the first ever reissue of an essential lost classic from the Black Fire catalogue, Wayne Davis’ powerful self-titled gospel-soul album...
Exclusive collaboration between two jazz greats, Bennie Maupin and Adam Rudolph, on ‘Symphonic Tone Poem For Brother Yusef’, originally commissioned...
Deluxe, definitive issue of the greatest Sun Ra album, recorded in NYC, 1978!
Super-deep, funky odd-ball jazz with spooky whispered vocals! Cult classic...
Strut present the definitive reissue of one of the all-time classic Caribbean soul and funk albums, the self-titled album by The Beginning Of The End,...
Wow! A brilliant follow-up to Strut's essential Nigeria 70 compilation from a few years back!
This is a brilliant compilation that will certainly appeal...
Essential double disc compilation of brilliant afro beat and afro funk from 1970s Nigeria!
This first volume of Nigeria 70 was one of the last releases...
Heavy conscious funk from mid-70's Washington D.C outfitSeminal recording blending soul, jazz, and funk-rock, laying the foundation for Washington D.C.'s...
Land Of Hits by name, Land Of Hits by nature, this downright delectable 12 inch from Fly Guy, with the aptly named Fly Guy Rap, on Peter Brown and Michael...
Back in stock..for now
This is Prince Fatty's homage to Lonnie Liston Smith's 1970s jazz-funk anthem, given reggae and dub treatments. A pro-peace prayer....
Frequently bootlegged, this is the first official version since 1977! Includes two previously unreleased live performances of the masterpiece “Harvest...
Quirky rap trailblazer, due to his involvement in the forever-influential 2010s Odd Future collective, Earl Sweatshirt returns with his his fifth studio...
Jane in Palma returns to the Cassette Library with enough bass weight to sink a ship. You know the drill by now - heavy duty cuts, not for the faint hearted.
The Reason Why recorded their only single on the Polydor label in 1977. It was co-written and produced by Willie Hutch, just after he left Motown.
The 6 cut Barrier Breaker EP featuring TEZ FA SIYON -Bruk ;E Chain melodica version FAR EAST - Barrier Breaker and brass version by MANJUL- Barrier Breaker...
Susan Cadogan's slinky roots vocal version of The Miracles Motown hit from 1974 produced by Lee Perry with excellent dub version on the flip. All three...
Tuff Scout Records are very pleased to present this fine release for the first time on a repress.Deepest spiritual roots and the only release by the enigmatic...
Reissue of an impossibly rare soul and funk 45! Originally released in 1972 (never sold on Discogs) on a very obscure label from Springfield, Ohio. Includes...