Originally released on Crammed in 1991, Zap Mama's acapella debut album has become a classic, and influenced hosts of vocalists and musicians around the...
This is the new instalment of Soul Jazz Records’ ground-breaking Deutsche Elektronische Musik series, ‘A near-definitive guide to some of the world's...
This album coincides with the massive new exhibition Soul of A Nation - Art in the Age of Black Power at Tate Modern, London.
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With the 'Incredible Jimmy Smith' on organ and arrangements by Oliver Nelson this adaptation of Prokofiev's fairy tale offers a fine jazz interpretation...
Ace 1960s one-of-a-kind album of valve electronics meets psychedelic rock! CLASSIC oddball debut! Features the amazing Love Fingers track! A cult classic...
On his 1970 album 'The Black Gladiator', Bo Diddley turns his trademark style on its head and ventures into the unknown with a swaggering psychedelic funk...
Cuba: Music and Revolution: Culture Clash in Havana: Experiments in Latin Music 1975-85 Vol. 1 is the new album compiled by Gilles Peterson and Stuart...