Drama set on the night of the 1979 British election. The dead body of a pregnant woman is discovered and her husband, Delroy (Clint Dyer), finds himself...
Brilliant debut release from New York based Californian jazz vocalist Gregory Porter. Echoes of Donny Hathaway and Oscar Brown Jnr combined with Porter's...
Vinyl condition: VG+Sleeve condition: VG+Original = USA Vinyl
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New edition of this seminal album available as a 1000 copies edition only on new premium RED vinyl!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long out of print heavyweight Headhunters progressive, fusion hardcore! Album originally released in 1971 - first time on vinyl in long time. Essential...
Includes the killer funky title tracks "I Need Some Money" and "Get on Down". Experimental yet funky, Harris even puts "Carnival" through his Electronic...
Theo Parrish's band, The Unit, debut on his own Wildheart label - a tough seesion with lead vocals by Ideeyah, Amp Fiddler on keys and backing vocals,...
On his 1970 album 'The Black Gladiator', Bo Diddley turns his trademark style on its head and ventures into the unknown with a swaggering psychedelic funk...
Chaz Bundick drops another full length for Carpark, furthering his deliriously trippy blend of nostalgic electronics and colourful indie songwriting. Highly...