Another killer, rare Disco offering from deep within the legendary West End Records vaults. Released in 1976 and mixed by the mighty Tom Moulton, this...
Originally released in 1977, and reissued here for the first time on 7” with the instrumental, this is modern soul classic from Jeff Perry. Original...
Back In Stock!!!!!!After spending much of the ‘70s humping his congos around New York as a session musician, Nigerian Aleke Kanonu pulled in some favours...
Floating Points' Melodies International releases three, privately pressed, modern soul gems recorded in the Detroit area between 1973 and 1978. These ultra-rare...
The Morwells formed in 1973 comprising Eric "Bingy Bunny" Lamont and Maurice "Blacka" Wellington, The band expanded to a trio in 1974 with the addition...
Back in stock! 2016 repress of this landmark afro-jazz album from South Africa!
Matsuli follow up their brilliant Dick Khoza reissue with a deep spiritualised...