"Fight Against Babylon" was originally released 1975 in two different mixes, here is the original mix, the "flying cymbal" mix can be found on the UK Torpedo...
"Niebla Morada (Purple Haze)", a cover of Jimi Hendrix's classic - disparate elements here, a fusion of Bruno Spoerri-style synth oddness and peruvian-influenced...
A gorgeous slab of roots from the production team of Michael and Geoffrey Chung. Mikey Chung wrote and arranged the song and the production by Geoffrey...
A Fragile twisted record that sounds like it was squeezed through a very high frequency mangler before being committed to vinyl! They truly do not make...
1st time on 7" ...Killer Killer dub taken from Keith Hudson's legendary mid 70s dub album "Pick A Dub". Version of "Still Waters" but done the King Tubby...