produced by Trevor Elliott. Featuring vocals from Edi Fitzroy and Deejay Johnny Ringo voiced in 1982, included also a very special Latty Guzang’s melodica...
"Feeling Happy" by Mystic M, this is the same group known as Mystic I, the Mystic Eyes and the Mystics, rastas from West Kingston. The group included Anthony...
Rare & obscure killer roots tune from Noel Brown originally released in 1984 in very small amounts. Reissued on Top Ranking Sound who are going from strength...
I Roy's awesome DJ cut over Junior "Soul" Murvin's tuff roots version of Curtis Mayfield's "Give Me Your Love" with King Tubby thrown into the mix...Don't...
"Fight Against Babylon" was originally released 1975 in two different mixes, here is the original mix, the "flying cymbal" mix can be found on the UK Torpedo...
Roots vocal classic from 1975 produced by Pete Weston and with King Tubby's killer dub on the flip. First of new Micron records reissues. Don't let em'...
Earl Zero, featuring the potent and compelling ‘Shackles & Chains’ originally voiced in 1977. Deep roots mixed by the great King Tubby and backed by...
Infectious new roots tune from Room In The Sky label with Winston Reedy's take on the Johnny Clarke classic plus Vin Gordon's "Russian Skank" version on...
Serious heavyweight roots dub cut from Archie Mclean follows on from the huge Tiger "Rap Pon Riddim" release on the mighty Dug Out imprint. Killer dub!
U.K. roots classic originally released in 1980, with horns cut on the flip. Produced by Jon Rubie for Virgo Stomach label. Now comes in thick company card...
Back in stock...Super deep roots from the late Barry Brown but King Tubby's dubplate mix is the killer! full of heavy echo and reverbed to the max. BUY...