Killer vocal cut over "Marcus Garvey" and Piano led instrumental cut on the flip from Tyrone Taylor produced by Enos McLeod originally released on Micron...
"Out In The Rain" here with its version on b-side, was only ever released on 7" on the hard to find "Doctor" label in the UK, and can also be found on...
Alton Ellis recorded "Black Man's Pride" for several producers, here is Sidney "Luddy" Pioneers production from 1971. B side's little known but great "Heart...
Out of all those China lead Soul Syndicate vocals this one has to be the tightest although here the rare flute instrumental is the business. At the time...
Winston McAnuff roots tune from 1980. Fatman Riddim Section takes care of the dub version on the b-side. 1 of 4 new titles limited edition of 500 worldwide.