In the words of Chris Lane from the Fashion Records...
"We recorded and produced many of reggae's most iconic artists for Fashion Records, but having...
Similar to Jennifer Lara's version, The Far East do a wicked, contemporary cover of the Evelyn King's boogie classic 'I'm In Love'! Sweet, sweet lovers...
Originally released on Max Romeo's own label Romax in 1978, superb late night blues vocal cut then flip the record over for Jackie Mittoo's excellent 3...
Highly-anticipated album debut from Nala Sinephro who combines meditative jazz moods with equally calming and hypnotic electronic elements. An absolute...
**First time on a 45!**
The 1976 self titled Tommy Stewart LP is one one of the most sought-after disco albums in the world. Recorded at Sound Pit Studios,...
DON'T MISS OUT on this ESSENTIAL book! An extensive, informative book on main man Andy Weatherall from those who knew him best including ... Bobby Gillespie,...
Freddie Gibbs and Madlib are in collusion once again, following up on their superb 'Pinata' album. Madlib experiments with a change in production, with...
In 1984, photographers Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant captured the imagination of a generation with Subway Art, a groundbreaking book documenting the...
Legendary activist and Afrobeat originator, Fela Kuti, used his music to lament social injustices and political corruption in his native Nigeria. Fela’s...
Quality production by the saviour of Hip Hop Jay Dee!!! With its classics like 'Climax', 'I Dont Know', '2U4U', 'Raise it Up', and 'Fall In Love', this...
Superb hardback 188-page book with loads of text, photos, artefacts, record labels etc written by Noel Hawks.
With contributions and quotes from (wait...