Courtney John's distinctive falsetto sets an enigmatic mood on this ominous dubwise selection, with uniqueness that simply radiates. Produced by Guillaume...
Gainsbourg goes Reggae. The year is 1979 - Gainsbourg hooks up with Sly and Robbie for his first excursion into Jamaican sound, and hires Rita Marley’s...
"Reflection In Red" was Oku Onuora's first musical release and first ever dub poem on record. Recorded at Harry J studio and first released in 1979 on...
First time re-issue of this 1978 Burning Sounds release remastered on 180 gram vinyl. The tunes themselves don't seem to have much connection to the film,...
Killer one off mid '80s Wailing Souls in the 'live digital' style from the their run with the Live & Learn label who they made several great albums for....
New release on Daptone and debut album by The Frightnrs, 'Nothing More To Say' is a sweet rocksteady album that's difficult not to like! The simple arrangements...
Two great Rocksteady songs, riddim played by Lynn Taitt and the Jets, "Give Me Loving" is one of Derrick's first produced records from 1968, Lloyd Clarke's...
Long Island's AIR only made one album. Quite simply it is a transcendent masterpiece of soulful jazz-rock fusion. Treasured by 'selector' luminaries...