These 1969 recordings (released 5 years later) combine Shepp’s free jazz bonafides and a blend of blues and funk through an African lens, all in a big...
Super funky Herbie Hancock spin-off project featuring the musicians from his classic 'Headhunters' album. Includes the ultimate funk track "God Made Me...
The compilation features many members of the Keysound family, including Logos, Dusk + Blackdown, previous Dummy Mix masters Parris and Wen, Murlo, and...
ABCD: The Album is an expanded version of the mini ABCD EP released earlier this year and promises slinky deep house on heat, with some co-production from...
This has to be the greatest rare groove album ever: it's brimming with classic tracks such as the 2 step perfection of Heart's Desire, Holding You Loving...
KILLER exclusive collection compiled by 3 Chair's member Rick Wilhite -- gathering tracks from the most innovative and pioneering producers from New York,...
Astral, afro-futurist cosmic electonic music from Eric Douglas Porter aka Afrikan Sciences on PAN! Taking elements of jazz, hip hop and techno re-imagined...
Recorded in the middle of Shepp's Impulse period, in 1966, with passion and fire from Roswell Rudd, Grachan Moncur and Howard Johnson in the brass section...
Rahsaan the Seeker, recorded in a house on xmas night, introduces us to Tongue Snatcher on 'Baby Let Me Shake Your Tree', and only he can play two horns...
Heavyweight, check the bass-line on Sorry Bout Dat. Hardcore essential.
A must-have for anyone interested in '60's African-American avant-garde jazz....
A Stone cold roots classic from Lee Perry & Max Romeo recorded at The Black Ark as sampled by The Prodigy and countless others. Clean and limited repress...
Crazy, deep jazz from 1968! 'The Inflated Tear' describes the incident where Roland was in hospital and a nurse gave him an injection which led to him...
Whilst one of the most commercially accesible and succesfull of artists, Rahsaan is also one of the most radical. Check out Mystery of the Black Notes...