Person Sound releases on his own label, ecshewing the more experimental sound heard on the previous release, ‘Raindrops’, for rhythms very much geared...
First time this has EVER been released! Includes liner notes by composer Kurt Stenzel. Incredible, trippy synth-led Tangerine Dream-esque hypnotic soundtrack!
Gerd Janson drops 'Musik For Autobahns Vol. 2'! This brilliantly curated compilation of "ambient not ambient, kraut pleasers and codeine house" features...
Livity Sound mainstays Peverelist and Hodge remix two tracks for the back catalogue here. Mesmeric, crisp complex rhythms and late night brutal house/techno...
Anthony Parasole makes his way back to the label that he co-operates with Levon Vincent. Two simmering techno cuts working subtle dub textures over robust...