Along with Suspicion and Wooden Heart, this is one of Larry Marshall’s earliest recordings during the Rock Steady era. The evocative vocal harmonizing...
"Plutonian Nights" is Sun Ra's quintessential, astro-majestic party joint, and is among the top grooves in his immense catalog. "Reflects Motion" is breakbeat...
All time classic tuff funky reggae cut from The Maytals which was originally a B-side!! Jump up party tune with rare intrumental version on the flip. don't...
The 5th release from Earth Sound features ex Melodians singer Brent Dowe's killer versions of Manu Diabango funky classic "Soul Makossa" These originally...
Silhouettes' is one of Dennis Brown's earliest recordings and a good old Reggae hit. The flip side features Augustus Pablo's melodica cut to the A-side....