Wake Up You! tells the story of the Nigerian rock scene around their civil war of the late 60s. A scene that developed during time, pays homage to the...
Rising Osaka-based composer Seiho meticulously crafts electronic music in futuristic fusion. Collapse is the full length album amalgam of dance floor /...
100% Essential album includes the classic Acid and The Soul Drummers!
This is perhaps the single most famous latin album there is, featuring the classic...
E-S-S-E-N-T-I-A-L deep jazz from 1970s Ethiopia! Mulatu is a cult figure for fans of both 1970s indy deep jazz (think Strata East) and African music -...
In 1975 Lloyd recorded and produced for himself this haunting and lyrically striking philosophical roots tune, with Sly & Robbie on the rhythm section....
Marc Mac (of 4hero) presses up his classic 'Message From Soulville' mixtape from 2013 in a limited edition of 300. Mixing up a sampled blend of formula...
Zomby revisits the sound of early 1990s hardcore/breakbeat with loads of looped-up Amen-style drum breaks, hoover bass, ragga vocal samples, double-speed...
– Fuck Mixing, Let's Dance
– Euphoria
– We Got The Sound
– Get Sorted
– Float
– Where Were U In '92?
– U Are My Fantasy (Street Fighter II Theme Remix)
Killer one off mid '80s Wailing Souls in the 'live digital' style from the their run with the Live & Learn label who they made several great albums for....
First time reissue of this obscure one-off Diamonds tune only ever released on JA 45 and not included on any album. Killer '70s roots as you'd come to...