Having initially achieved significant success in Jamaica during the rock steady era of the late 60s, The Heptones further cemented their reputation as...
Highly-anticipated album debut from Nala Sinephro who combines meditative jazz moods with equally calming and hypnotic electronic elements. An absolute...
Nu Genea (formerly Nu Guinea) return via own imprint NG records with their anticipated album 'Bar Mediterraneo', features the beautiful voice of French...
aka "To Be A Lover" originally released in 1977 on Black Swan in the U.K. Lee Perry's wicked Black Ark production and George Faith's soulful vocals make...
Brand new selection of rare and classic releases made at Studio One by reggae's leading women! Featuring legendary artists such as Marcia Griffiths, Rita...
• Two seminal LPs new to CD.
• Featuring many tracks new to CD.
• Including numerous Ska and Rock Steady hits from the 1960s.
To commemorate Jamaica’s...
Dub companion album to Black Emperor Vol 2 (Vocals) with Lee Perry’s experiments in sound at his most creative peak during the middle to late 70s..on...
£10 OFF!!!!Love Is All I Bring showcases the very talented female performers of Trojan Records, who in the world of reggae can often to be overlooked....