BACK IN STOCK!! Mathematics label head Hieroglyphic Being. Fifteen tracks of tuff Chicago acid, tribal, and live electronics from this singular producer/composer/DJ.
'Unfiltered, unfettered electronic dance music from a modern legend of Chicago House'. *****Mojo
"Hieroglyphic Being translates five years of experimentation into his best LP to date" Vinyl Factory
"Album of the week" BLEEP
"Chicago dance music hero...
Hieroglyphic Being’s debut album for Soul Jazz - The Acid Documents - is an album made up of tracks first released last year only ever available in a...
Collected here are the best, most electrifying and intense moments from Syrian folk-pop singer, Omar Souleyman's Western tours between 2009 and 2011.
Always telling stories with his songs the prolific Danny Wolfers' latest offering the "Sark Island Acid" EP once again brings the listener into his shadowy...
An amazing remastered reissue by cult eighties Downtown NY musician Arthur Russell. An absolutely essential collection of mind-bending psychedelic dance...
New from Pangaea - two tracks navigating some seriously dark textures, from Berlin to Bristol, with a guiding principle of good, dirty fun and, most importantly,...