Soul Jazz Records' journey into Dub and beyond, released to coincide with the new DVD film. Featuring an array of both legendary and current artists and...
'Dub Echoes' DVD out now on Soul Jazz Records!!!!!! 'Dub Echoes' is a newly produced film about Dub, featuring an incredible array of artists, both original...
First of all..Wow! This album is truly brilliant! Martyn has been teasing us all with his 12" single releases on his own label 3024 for the past year...
Fantastic album of super rare and obscure disco tunes from Chicago aka The Windy City!
Mr Peabody Record shop owners Mark Grusane & Mike Cole have compiled...
Official DVD issue of this cult classic British reggae film! A compelling story of the violence suffered everyday by black Britons in 1970s London, told...
Essential double disc round-up of the highlights of Grace Jones' work with the 'Compass Point Allstars' team of top session musicians - including Wally...
New York’s melting pot of Puerto Rican, Cuban and Afro-American musicians led to stunning culture clashes in the 1960s and 70s when Latin styles mixed...