• Cult Music of Cuba – Song to Legba and Yemaya (Two Male Voices, Drum, Rattle)
    • 1. Song to Legba and Yemaya (Two Male Voices, Drum, Rattle)
    • 2. Lucumi Song (Two Male Voices, Drum, Rattle)
    • 3. Song To Orisha Oko (Female Voice)
    • 4. Abakwa Song (Male Chorus, Drums)
    • 5. Song to Orisha Change (Male, Chorus)
    • 6. Abakwa Song (Male Chorus, Drums)
    • 7. Djuka Drums
    • 8. Lucumi Drums
    • 9. Djuka Drum (Drums and Chorus)
    • 10. Song to Chango (Male Chorus, Drums)
    • 11. Song to Obatala (Male Chorus, Drums)

    Excellent early recordings of Yoruba, Lucumi and more religious afro-cuban cult music with songs for Shango, Legba etc. Recommended.

    These recordings were made in Havana, Guanabacoa, and Matanzas Province in 1940, during a field trip sponsored by the American Council of Learned Societies.

    "African traditions have survived strongly, in some respects, to this day. Music and dancing of the African variety have persisted in the cabildos, or societies, organized by the Afro-Cubans. A great many of these societies have a religious basis, while others are survivals of secret organizations which existed previously on the African continent..."

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