Andrés’ GT Flips series showcases his ability to transform classic tracks into head-nodding bangers. With releases on prestigious labels and captivating...
'Agora E Moda' is a psychedelic, disco-boogie-groove monster brought to our attention by Greg Caz and Sean Marquand aka Brazilian Beats Brooklyn. Originally...
Originally released on 7 inch by Odeon in 1967 and landing on Simonal's Alegria, Alegria!!! album in the same year, 'Nem Vem Que Nao Tem's fame had a new...
Jackie Mittoo's fifth and most popular album from 1972. Seminal reggae instrumentals with the famous Studio One heavy-bass sound. - Henry The Great, Lazy...
The early 1980s were the pinnacle of the 'youthman' style of reggae vocal, associated with the generation from Jamaica's Kingston 11 area, including Waterhouse,...
This collection features sixteen of the most renowned salsa and Latin soul singles released on Fania Records, and its subsidiaries, between 1964-1978,...
**Another knockout selection by Greg Belson and David Hill!**Essential gospel soul selection in this dazzling collection of sides originally released by...
Compiled by legendary producer Arthur Baker, ‘Breakers Revenge’ is a near-definitive collection of original Funk, Soul, Latin, Disco and Electro classic...
Hands in the air, Uluru is back with another Reggae Hip Hop 7” Vinyl. For the occasion we're so proud to welcome back legendary producer Jstar, this...
Great deep roots vocal rarity from Sylford Walker with this Clive Hunt produced nugget from 1976 with dub version on the flip. All copies come in Gaffa...