Reissue of Vincent Floyd's Chicago house debut that was originally released on Resound Records, a one-off subsidiary of the classic Gherkin imprint in...
Oddball new-wave / Balearic instrumental 45 taking a wide, leftfield approach to the that 80s Compass Point Studios vibe. Strong (and highly recommended)...
Wicked, deep, soulful house vibes with an old school/freestyle vibe - Ruf Dug on top production form (accompanied with the talented Lovescene). Features...
More early/mid-90s house music classics via Cajmere's incredible Cajual label! Features Derrick Carter and Salt City Orchestra's deep jacker 'Got Change...
Daft Punk vibes on the a-side with the filtered-disco house euphoria of 'Another Time' with some nice ambient interludes to accompany. Standout is on the...
Reissue of this deep house CLASSIC from the mid 90s, produced by long standing Ron Trent collaborator and 'second wave' Detroit techno pioneer, Stacey...