Alva Noto Xerrox Vol. 5

      • 1. Xerrox Topia
      • 2. Xerrox Sans Nom I
      • 3. Xerrox Sans Nom II
      • 4. Xerrox Ascent I
      • 5. Xerrox Ascent II
      • 6. Xerrox Sans Repit
      • 7. Xerrox Xenonym
      • 8. Xerrox Ada
      • 9. Xerrox Nausicaa
      • 10. Xerrox Arc
      • 11. Xerrox Kryogen
      • 12. Xerrox Isotope

      For anyone who has been following the series since its incepFon in 2007, the concept of Xerrox no longer requires introducFon. Originally, it aimed to create copies of images—both visual and acousFc—that are more memorable than the originals. The exploration of the relationship between the original and the copy, along with the invention of the copier, not only inspired the series name but also informed its underlying concept.

      In 2024, this series comes to an end, marking the culminaiton of a journey that began with the first recording in 2005/2006. Over nearly two decades, the five albums in this series have accompanied the artist's evolving perspective and conceptual approach.