The debut film from Sofia Coppola (daughter of 'Godfather' director Francis), 'The Virgin Suicides' tells the story of a group of teenage boys and their...
This film captures Bob Marley and the Wailers performing tracks from the newly released 'Exodus' as well as his other hits live at London's The Rainbow...
Extended version of Ridley Scott's cult classic. Ex-cop Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) is hired to track down a group of androids who have escaped from a...
Akira Kurosawa's masterpiece tells the story of a group of 17th Century warriors recently detached from the powerful masters who once paid them. Veteran...
During disco's 70's heyday, 17-year-old busboy Eddie Adams (Mark Wahlberg) is looking for a break when he is spotted by veteran porn director Jack Horner...
NEW SUPER LTD. first edition of 300 copies. Only available EXCLUSIVELY to customers at Soul Jazz Records/Sounds of the Universe.ABSOLUTELY SEMINAL SOUL DISCO RARITY...
Classic musical comedy starring Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds. In 1927, Don Lockwood (Kelly, who co-directs) has worked his way up from...
Miles Teller and J.K Simmons star in this Academy Award-winning drama written and directed by Damien Chazelle. With a promising career as a drummer ahead...
100% ESSENTIAL gangster movie as Pacino is the ex-drug lord turned nightclub owner. Check out the streets of Spanish Harlem in the 1970s, hear the latin,...
Documentary about English rock band Pink Floyd which focuses particularly on their success during 1971. The programme features performance footage and...
The Buena Vista Social Club was a members club in Havana, Cuba that held dances and musical activities, becoming a popular location for musicians to meet...
Soul Jazz Records’ new ox-blood red coloured vinyl limited-edition 1000-copies worldwide LP (+ download code) issue of this very rare deep spiritual...
Biopic of Joy Division singer Ian Curtis. Directed by photographer Anton Corbijn, who took some of Joy Division's most iconic pictures, this film is inspired...
Standing In The Shadows Of Motown gives overdue credit to a group of unassuming musicians who quietly created one of popular music's most enduring and...
Stanley Kubrick's controversial film triggered copycat violence on its initial release and as a result the director withdrew the film from circulation...
Cult classic film with legendary soundtrack by Lalo Schiffrin.
The legendary Steve McQueen (The Towering Inferno, The Great Escape) stars as hard-as-nails...