Kevin Martin (aka The Bug) and Stuart Baker (Soul Jazz Records) have collaborated on a unique project bringing together new, exclusive and in-demand cutting-edge...
Carl Moore cut very few records and this is a beautiful vocal version of the 'Strange Things' rhythm. My ForeFathers Died In the Sand' is a mid 70s roots...
Two popcorn a-bombs from the undisputed queen of R&B sass herself - Miss Ruth Brown. 'Sweet Baby Of Mine' is a super infectious swinger with a snappy...
A jazzy led instrumental from Saxophone player Lester Sterling. First appeared in the UK on the Count Shellys label but was originally released in Jamaica....
''Can You Dig It?' is as definitive as it gets, and treats its subject seriously, lovingly and with an attention to detail that makes it a necessary purchase....
Dial M For Murder' was recorded at Channel One by Phil Pratt around 1979/1980 with Sly and Robbie as the rhythm section, Rad Brian on guitar, Bobby Kalphat...
Brenda's breathing multi-tracked whisperings and instrumentals were overdubbed on heavy rhythms recorded in Jamaica in 1970s-80s and produced by the legendary...