From out of nowhere, UK group Sault drop their album debut on Forever Living Originals (home to Little Simz and Kid Sister), channeling post-punk, primal...
Without pausing for breath and hot on the heels of their stunning debut '5', the elusive Sault return with their second full length album '7'. Back with...
"In a dramatic departure from their previous output, the UK collective taps into the spirituality of choral music and contemporary classical in an uplifting,...
Sault - the clandestine collective with a talent that knows no bounds - return with their incredible album 'NINE'; infectious, catchy, ardent soul music...
Another breathtakingly original transmission from UK group, Sault! Hot-on-the-heels of their essential 'UNTITLED (Black Is)' of earlier in 2020, 'Untitled...
Sault are back! The mysterious troupe return with their signature hybrid of funk, dance, post-punk and soul. 'Untitled' is, without a doubt, their finest...
The debut album from West London's Cleo Sol is crafted from threads of '70s jazz and '90s neo-soul; perfect for those that love Jill Scott, Solange, Minnie...
Cleo Sol returns to Forever Living Originals with an album of gorgeous, deep, tender and ardent soul music with a strong roots/folk feel. Essential release...
This has to be the greatest rare groove album ever: it's brimming with classic tracks such as the 2 step perfection of Heart's Desire, Holding You Loving...
Cleo Sol, one of the voices of the mysterious Sault group, follows-up to her superb 'Rose in the Dark' debut with 'Mother', finding her in "reflective...