Doom has released numerous volumes of Special Herbs, one of the longest-running instrumental series in hip-hop history. Now, volumes three and four of...
The latest in Madlib's long-running Beat Konducta series, 'Rock Konducta Pt. 2', finding inspiration from various worldwide underground rock scenes from...
Echovolt expands its remit with the launch of a new series of mini-albums, with new material from analogue techno experimentalists, Templeyard Studios.
Two separate live recordings, the first at The Village Theatre features Alan Silva on bass, Beaver Harris on drums and Joel Friedman on cello. The second,...
MF Doom's most popular beats re-issued here on vinyl for the first time in years!
MF Doom, the masked man in the iron mask. Best known for his work with...
MF DOOM is the man in the iron mask. The most mysterious figure in hip-hop has also become one of the most popular, supplying beats and rhymes for Gorillaz,...
The final volumes of the long running Special Herbs instrumental series, back on wax after nearly a decade. Volume 9 & 0 round out the 10 volume set of...