Emotional Rescue and Jamwax end their 'Capo Disco' series by returning to Glen Adams and his cover of Bob Marley’s classic. Early 70s Lee Perry original...
Ultra 80's boogie on PPU! The Chuck "Cyril" Walker Collection (1980-1985), featuring 8 rare tracks highlighting the career of this Charlotte, NC keyboardist...
An incredible selection of 10 utterly obscure Asian soul-jazz, disco, funk, modern-soul and AOR. gems sung mostly in English and Cantonese feat. stunning...
Songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer, orchestra leader, digital mixologist, and filmmaker -Kutiman is back with a new album. His 2015 Jazz/ Funk...
Rare, rare, rare early 70's heavy funky soul album by The Dam Sam The Miracle Man, led by vocalist O.C. Strong, firece percussive funk rhythms with O.C...
The hugely anticipated follow-up to the Yussef Kamaal LP by Kamaal Williams aka Henry Wu! Wicked, electronic jazz fusion with that rugged South London...
A welcome reissue of a VERY sought-after 70's soul-funk killer album on the legendary disco imprint Prelude! Stupidly rare, spanning soulful disco, high-stepping...
**Repress of this CLASSIC release on her own Movementt label**
London-based, Yorkshire born trumpeter and producer continues to push the boundaries of...