A truly exceptional song showcasing the pinnacle of Jack Ruby's productions, "Black Slavery Days" by The Skulls stands out as a remarkable gem that gained...
In the 1980s, Jack Ruby's productions witnessed a noticeable decline. Despite this, we were graced with some notable gems, such as this composition defined...
A stone-cold CLASSIC tune!Simply one the most soulful New Orleans tunes EVER to come out on record from Eddie Bo vocalist Inell Young.
Rare as...New...
Essential rare groove masterpiece includes the seminal title track 'Action Speaks Louder Than Words'. Produced by Allen Toussaint. Superb New Orleans boogie...
long lost dub masterpiece originally released in 1975 here reissued by pressure sounds for the very first time.cd issue comes with 5 extra tracks.don't...
This is Soul Jazz Records’ new journey into the heart of New Orleans and a guide to the city’s finest Funk music produced in the late 1960s and early...