Thompson Sound & Dubquake Records team up to offer modernised O.B.F versions of iconic roots and rubadub tracks from the last century. First released on...
"Produced and apparently co-written by Derrick Harriott, 'John Jones' was released in 1968 on the Big shot label. With its unstoppable rhythm and its aggressive...
This essential DOUBLE sider was first released in 1967 on Crystal Records, the Jamaican record label owned by the famed producer Derrick Harriott. Derrick...
Come Into My Parlour is a killer Reggay anthem adored by early Reggae fans, on par with the likes of “John Jones” or “Hold Down” previously released...
Never released before on 7” This cracking up-tempo track from 1970 has a heavy guitar work, a killer organ and some real gutsy vocals to boot.The sound...