Originally released in Canada in the early eighties featuring Scientist's deep & heavy mixes of Bunny Lee produced riddims featuring some of Jamaica's...
Following the inspiration of the great 70's Roots , Abeng drop this brand new HEAVY WEIGHT Roots track , Gathering and Unity Vibes! Abeng arranges , plays...
A flawless collection of timeless dubs from King Tubby's late night blues 70s studio sessions featuring versions of Bunny Lee hardcore rhythms of the day....
This Is HEAVY!
Superb new roots 12" from Italy featuring The Blue Shepherd Sound System with two chapters of trombone & melodica taking lead with dubs...
70 recordings currently unavailable digitally, Almost 50 tracks new to CD, 138 boss reggae anthems!
Widely hailed as the Godfather of Ska, Laurel Aitken...
Different mix to his Police & Thieves LP version from the mid 70s with strong dubwise from Scratch recorded at The Black Ark. All three new Studio 16 7"...
Killer rare organ instrumental cut from Brother Dan aka Dandy Livingstone, 1968 originally a B-side on Trojan which is very hard to find now in any condition..
Tuff Scout Records are very pleased to present this fine release for the first time on a repress.Deepest spiritual roots and the only release by the enigmatic...
A 'holy grail' for reggae collectors with this 12 Tribes Of Israel Band 7" originally released in 1978 on their Orthodox label in very small quantities....
Huge piece of Digi by Danton Heslop, since coming on the scene in the 80's, this crate diggers record is probably Heslop's most remembered single. The...
Fresh new roots from Ariwa Posse with a new vocal cut from Askala Selassie over a relick riddim of Aswad's classic "Warrior Charge" with instrumental on...
Heavy sought-after Roots track from 1980 played by crazy talented band Black Stallion. Real Soulful singer here. Serious thing. Extended with 2 fresh Raw...
Seriously good dub album from Alan 'Yaba' Blizzard recorded and mixed at Yaba Studios in London, with extra dubness coming from Al Breadwinner. For fans...
Bunny Lee recorded a massive volume of remarkably consistent music in the 70s. This compilation brings together rare and unreleased cuts that put the listener...