The second installment of the genius sound man Lee Perry's productions with unreleased tunes and exclusive dub plates featuring Junior Murvin, Jimmy...
Lee 'Scratch' Perry's Black Ark Studio opened its doors in 1974. Situated in his backyard at 5 Washington Gardens, Kingston, Jamaica. Using only basic...
Another very nice Greensleeves vinyl reissue of this classic dub album that was originally released in 1982
Produced and mixed at King Tubby's studio...
Sexy and Dubstep are not two words you usually see together but Silkie has managed to bring sexy to his bass heavy second album 'City Limits Vol 2' from...
More dub fire from the main man in Japan. The long awaited third phase of Muro's critically acclaimed dub series is another high-grade excursion - 25...
Cementing the fact that Nonplus are one the most forward-thinking labels around right now is Instra:mental's debut album 'Resolution653'. Nonplus have...
Tracks produced by Bunny Lee, featuring an awesome line-up of musicians - Sly & Robbie, Earl 'Chinna' Smith, Tommy McCook, Winston Wright, Vin Gordon,...
Heavyweight 70s dub album produced by Prince Far I and Adrian Sherwood originally released in 1978 on Sherwood's own Hit Run label. includes " a message"...
Wicked new album from the legendary U Roy on Kingston Sounds!!!!
The mighty U Roy is the originator, the man who put the DJ phenomenon on the map and...