Originally released on Winston Riley's Techniques label in 1984 featuring The Roots Radics on point at Channel One with Anthony Waldron aka Lone Ranger...
Lone Ranger's second album originally released in late 1979/80 featuring his killer tune "Barnabas Collins" on the resurrected "Conversation" riddim. All...
1. Look For My Baby 2. Easy Snappin 3. Cansas City 4. Million Dollar Baby 5. Please Let Me Go 6. Rock It 7. Millie GIrl 8. On The Beach 9. Sinners Weep...
Originally issued in 1982 on Greensleeves, recorded and voiced at Channel One studios.
Check "tom drunk" "legalize the national herb" "johnny make you...
Produced by Bunny "Striker" Lee 1. Winter World Of Love 2. Before The Next Teardrop 3. I Forgot To Say I Love You 4. Sometimes 5. Lost Love 6. Treasure...