Originally released on Winston Riley's Techniques label in 1984 featuring The Roots Radics on point at Channel One with Anthony Waldron aka Lone Ranger...
Lone Ranger's second album originally released in late 1979/80 featuring his killer tune "Barnabas Collins" on the resurrected "Conversation" riddim. All...
As Dancehall took over Jamaica in the early 80s John Holt proved he was perfectly able to move with the times - includes the massive title track and many...
Another very nice Greensleeves vinyl reissue of this classic dub album that was originally released in 1982
Produced and mixed at King Tubby's studio...
Great early dancehall, a stone cold classic from 1982 by the very young Triston Palma. Produced by Jah Thomas, backed by Roots Radics, recorded and mixed...
Produced by Bunny "Striker" Lee 1. Winter World Of Love 2. Before The Next Teardrop 3. I Forgot To Say I Love You 4. Sometimes 5. Lost Love 6. Treasure...
1. Look For My Baby 2. Easy Snappin 3. Cansas City 4. Million Dollar Baby 5. Please Let Me Go 6. Rock It 7. Millie GIrl 8. On The Beach 9. Sinners Weep...
Early Dancehall classic originally released in 1983. Recorded at Channel One with The Roots Radics for producer Henry Junjo Lawes. "Who Can Make The Dancehall...
Come Into My Parlour is a killer Reggay anthem adored by early Reggae fans, on par with the likes of “John Jones” or “Hold Down” previously released...