• 1. Caracol
      • 2. Ya Voy Toño
      • 3. Cumbia Que Te Vas De Ronda
      • 4. Rubiela
      • 5. Cumbia En Do Menor
      • 6. Charanga Pa' Gozar
      • 7. Cumbia Costeña
      • 8. Kijis Konar
      • 9. Mosaico: A Tu Vera / La India Motilona / Very Very Well / Despeinada / Festival En Guarare / La Mafafa / La Sampa' / Negrito Tapetuza

      "Very Very Well” was the first album for Discos Fuentes by Salvadorean Rafael “Lito” Barrientos and his tropical orchestra, recorded in 1965. While in Colombia in the mid-1960s, he found great success with his assimilation of styles like cumbia and porro but also included Cuban charanga, Puerto Rican bomba and Mexican corrido in his repertoire, making for a very diverse selection of moods and flavors.