A Song For You, are a groundbreaking vocal ensemble, uniting over 50 artists from all over the world, led by the visionary collaboration of Noah Slee and Dhanesh Jayaselan. The collective defies any form of categorisation, sitting in a sonic realm somewhere between Neo Soul, R&B and Gospel. A Song For You celebrates the rich tapestry of Berlin's musical landscape while providing a critical platform for underrepresented voices. Working alongside the renowned Berlin-based producer, S. Fidelity, the album features captivating collaborations with artists such as Theo Croker, Annahstasia, Moses Yoofee, Madison McFerrin, duendita, Brother Portrait, Jumoke Adeyanju and more; as well as a vast array of artists that exist within the group such as Noah Slee, Aka Kelzz, Johnny Kulo, MERON, zoudè, Nando The Native, Monica Mussungo, D.$ahin and Lyriya.