Superb take on Bob Marley's "Rock My Boat" by Freddie McGregor & Jah Berry originally released in 1981. Produced by The Mighty Two aka Joe Gibbs & Errol...
Heavyweight roots repress featuring Freddie McGregor from 1979 on a remake of the "satta massa gana" rhythm with production by Niney. Don't delay !! These...
Confusing history to this release but The Fashioneers and the Mighty Abidjans were two related groups who until now have remained obscure and known mainly...
Deluxe CD, 2xLP (+ free download) and worldwide digital
Available in all good retail and internet stores from 2 June 2014 or direct from Soul Jazz Records...
One of two new Black Art 7" reissues from Lee Perry's Vaults, a young Dillinger riding a tuff early 70s version of the Stevie Wonder classic "Place in...