Gathering all the killer tracks the original line up recorded with Lee Scratch Perry between 1970 & 1972 classic early roots versions to later well known...
"Soul Rebel" & "Man To Man" were recorded by the Bob Marley & The Wailers with Lee Perry at the start of the seventies, this is the original line up at...
Infectious Bob Marley skank recorded at Randy's in the early 70s with Bunny Lee in the studio by the sounds of it..All copies come in great colour printed...
Militant 1979 release recorded at Tuff Gong with a strong Pan-African theme and calls for African unity in the light of Zimbabwe's recent independence.
A year on from the impossible to follow 'Exodus', reggae's greatest singer managed to pull it off with "Sun Is Shining", "Satisfy My Soul" and the huge...
A Stone cold roots classic from Lee Perry & Max Romeo recorded at The Black Ark as sampled by The Prodigy and countless others. Clean and limited repress...