MoonDial is a captivating album by the renowned jazz guitarist Pat Metheny, released by Modern Recordings. This album showcases Metheny's signature blend...
Road To The Sun is yet another unexpected and genre-defying new recording from the 20 (yes 20) time Grammy winning guitarist/composer Pat Metheny! This...
As well as being the great vibes innovator of the era, Gary Burton has been a most astute talent scout. In 1973, The New Quartet introduced Abraham Laboriel:...
The Pat Metheny Group hits the road, live in Dallas, Philadelphia, Hartford, Sacramento, and Nacogdoches, TX. Percussionist Naná Vasconcelos is still...
Road To The Sun is yet another unexpected and genre-defying new recording from the 20 (yes 20) time Grammy winning guitarist/composer Pat Metheny! This...