A truly exceptional song showcasing the pinnacle of Jack Ruby's productions, "Black Slavery Days" by The Skulls stands out as a remarkable gem that gained...
Great new vocal cut from Papa Levi on a re-lick of the "Tempo" riddim, produced by Gil Gang & Jake Travis. All Tuff Scout 7" come in thick cardboard company...
With its killer drum break and sweet piano arrangement courtesy of Zelpha Wells, "Price Of Love" stands as a manifesto of Harvey Gates' musical vision,...
first of two killer rocksteady 7"reissues from pressure sounds.wicked vocal cut from glen adams and instrumental cut from king sax man val bennett. reproduced...
Soul Jazz Records are issuing the awesome deep jazz album Rhythmatism (1976) from the legendary Steve Reid long out of print in a new edition very limited...
If roots reggae music has such a thing as cornerstones then this tune is one of them. Spiritual music of the highest quality. A tune to both uplift you...
2nd of two 7"reissues from pressure sounds featuring the late 60s production work of bunny 'striker' lee. this 7" features the uniques lead singer slim...
Carl Moore cut very few records and this is a beautiful vocal version of the 'Strange Things' rhythm. My ForeFathers Died In the Sand' is a mid 70s roots...
Two modern cuts from Paris-based, contemporary Afrobeat band, Batunga & The Subprimes, available for the first time on vinyl. Traditional African music...
A really extraordinary vocal performance from Keith 'Slim' Smith. 'The Turning Point' was originally recorded and written by Jimmy Holiday an RnB vocalist...
First part of a two part edition from LEGSMAN RECORDS both feature the famous PENITENTIRAY rhythm. Originally produced at KING TUBBY’S and mixed by SCIENTIST....
If you've ever passed Sir Norman's 'Good Times' spot at carnival, you're sure to know this funky soul classic from 1975. A tidy 7" reissue of Family Tree’s...
The aspirational “Striving For the Right” with its tender b-side “When a Boy Falls in Love,” was initially released in 1970. This release represents...