Stone-cold classic Studio One 45 back in stock after years! loud, clean, boom!
One off-repress will sell out! Don’t miss out!
Back to back two KILLER...
Taken straight from its master tape, Summertime is a masterpiece that condensed the splendor of the blinded harmonica maestro and famed vocalist, Roy Richards....
More mystical bass-heavy dub vibrations from Alpha and Omega featuring Nishka on vocal duties. Ancient African Civilisation was originally released on...
Riddim Chango Records finishes 2010s with their 9th vinyl release. The brand new 4 track EPfeatures contemporary Stepper sound by a new project “Night...
Back in stock..All time roots classic from 1977 from the good doctor talking about an incident that actually happened in Jamaica with the poison flour!!...
Recorded while Gerald was in Jamaica working on a project with Lee Perry in 1980.The master tapes of the four tracks that were recorded at the Harry J...
Two killer roots instrumentals cuts from producer Dennis "Blackbeard" Bovell" recorded late 70s early 80s. 1st time available on 7" vinyl, nice and loud...
A real classic of its kind. Al Browns cover of Bobby Blands inspired Blues/soul refections on urban living had been a staple of his set at Kingstons popular...
Heavyweight roots from Prince Far I taken from "message from the king" album originally released in 1978 on a killer version of the "drum song" rhythm.