Original 12" discomixes released in 1977 by Lee Perry on his Upsetter imprint, reissued with new full colour picture sleeve from London based label Studio...
McCook recorded extensively for Bunny Lee, and ‘Super Star Disco Rockers’ is a strong showcase for his meditational style of playing. The track ‘Lamb’s...
A real classic of its kind. Al Browns cover of Bobby Blands inspired Blues/soul refections on urban living had been a staple of his set at Kingstons popular...
Two masterful early 80s discomix roots vocals from Keith Blake aka Prince Alla produced by Prince Jammy with the rhythms laid at Channel One. Nice and...
Mint old warehouse stock..
Sought after double header from BB Seaton featuring tuff 70s roots tune "Tribalism" with the deep funky cut "All My People"...